Hypo-flexible forefeet, in contrast, require therapy for relaxing the intrinsic plantar muscles by closed kinetic training with forefoot loading to activate the intrinsic plantar muscles with correct timing and extent during motion. The percentage of the transverse arch length is defined as, “the distance from the first to the fifth metatarsal head divided by the foot length” subjects were classified as hypo-flexible, hyper-flexible and control group according to the percentage calculated.īased on the findings of the study, the authors concluded that treatment for subjects diagnosed with hyper-flexible forefeet should entail therapy focused on increasing rigidity of the foot through intrinsic plantar muscles training and insertion of metatarsal pads. Offer your Patients a Custom Calibrated Insole with a 98% Patient Satisfaction Rate know more
This becomes an important consideration in the development of early intervention and preventative strategies for a number of conditions related to the forefoot such as metatarsalgia or metatarsal stress fractures that cause disruptions in the functioning of the transverse arch. sought to measure the percentage of the transverse arch length in 19 men and 10 women with no history of lower extremity injury, by using a three-dimensional motion capture system. In a detailed study on the flexibility of the transverse arch of the forefoot, Kudo et al. The dome-shaped transverse arch is elevated medially across the tarsal bones at the tarsometatarsal joints and held in place by the tarsometatarsal ligaments. The transverse arch of the foot follows the coronal plane and is composed of the bases of five metatarsal heads, three cuneiforms and the cuboid.