After he's down, when you trigger the event "Showdown: Camilla (決戦 カミラ)" in Transylvania (トランシルバニア) to defeat the Nightmare Eyes you will fight him there again. Do note you will only be able to kill him (yes, you want to do that) if the battle (under your victory) will conquer the region.
How to obtain: Battle him normally while suppressing the Nightmare Eyes regions.

Her love level must be above 7 for this one. Trigger the event Date with Sion "シオンとデート" in Aomory (アオモリ).Speak to her three times after her first H event during the Conversation Phase after the Nightmare Eyes have been suppressed completely.Completely evades the enemy's attack and raises the battle stats of all allies stationed in the same region by 30. How to obtain: After having suppressed Aomory (アオモリ), trigger the event "The Rumor of the Mysterious Girl" then several start-of-turn events will happen, wait until the event in Aomory changes to the starred event "The Mysterious Girl".